24 August, 2020
VCS Families,
We are excited here at Valdez City Schools to have our students return this week. All of our staff and teachers have worked hard to prepare for the many challenges this unusual school year may bring. One of our main goals this year is to keep kids safe so they can continue learning at school. There are a few documents shaped through medical guidance that I would like to share with you regarding COVID-19 as we restart our journey and ways you can help us out.
1. CDC COVID-19 Fact Sheet
2. Parent Daily Symptom Check
3. Returning from Absence Flowchart
4. Options for Return to School
5. Out-of-State Travel Chart
6. COVID-19 Testing Options in Valdez
7. Parent Information Release Form
The flowcharts should make it easy for you to assess your child each morning and guide next steps on how and when they may return to school if sick. Additionally, the State of Alaska’s travel chart is for those returning after traveling out-of-state under the current state guidance.
Lastly, the Parent Information Release form is a voluntary release form recommended by the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development for sharing COVID-19 related information with the Department of Public Health. It also allows us to receive individual quarantine and test results from the Department of Health. The form is voluntary. You are not required to complete it. If you choose to complete it, please send signed copies to your student’s front office.
Shawn Arnold
Superintendent, Valdez City Schools