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Gold Rush Days is happy to announce the official 10th happening of our much anticipated Wine Walk! Stroll to different locations about town in your best Victorian finery or come as you are. Reservations for your commemorative glasses ($30 each) to participate in Wine Walk 2021 are available online for a small convenience fee. We will reserve a limited amount of glasses for sale on-site at The Gold Rush Store during the below mentioned pick-up hours for online glasses reservations. The commemorative glasses will go on-sale online HERE starting at 12-noon sharp, July 30th, 2021.

You may then pick up your glasses in person at The Gold Rush Store with proof of I.D. on the day of Wine Walk, Friday, August 6th, during the hours of 12 Noon-1 p.m., then again from 4 – 5 p.m.  Everyone who participates is required to show I.D. when picking up glasses and wear their Wine Walk wristband while participating. The Gold Rush Store is located on the corner of Fidalgo Drive and Hazelet Avenue in the Open Air Market (Please Note* The Open Air Market location has changed from previous years). 

Wine must only be consumed in the designated areas assigned at each business you visit –  no exceptions. Thank you for helping us keep the tradition of Wine Walk safe, legal and in compliance J

Happy Wine Walking 2021!