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The Valdez Gold Rush Days Parade is a 59- year long tradition and a highlight to the short Valdez summer! This year’s Parade has a NEW & IMPROVED route- making it the longest & largest parade in town. The new Parade route will go down Egan Drive and all the way down Meals Ave, to a finale at the Open Air Market, across from Ruth Pond. (See Parade Map below or at The Parade will start at 3PM on Sunday, August 8th, and run down Egan Ave, Meals Drive, and Fidalgo Ave. *Please note that this will affect traffic & parking on Sunday, August 8 between 1-4PM on the south end of town, including N. Harbor Drive, Galena Drive, Tatitlek Ave, and Clifton Drive. We recommend parking early at the Civic Center parking lots,Harbor Drive, or the many parking lots along Fairbanks & Egan*

Registration for the Parade is OPEN, online and easy! Go to for the link to register. Registration will close on Friday, August 6 at 6PM, so get your parade form in now to participate! Parade line-up will be in the usual area, from the corner of Egan & Hazelet Ave. down W. Egan to Clark Ave.  Parade line-up is 2PM, with Parade starting at 3PM! For more info- go to our website, or email