



Valdez vs. Seward Football

Courtesy of VHS Coaches – This past weekend the Buccaneers hosted the Seward Seahawks in a Denali conference matchup.  An earlier game between the teams ended up with a 40 point difference in scores. Going in to this game, however, it was apparent that it would be a tough battle as both teams had plenty of time to prepare for each other. Additionally, the Bucs were absent a two-way starter while the Seahawks had gained one.

The Seahawks took their first possession on a sustained drive to a touchdown finish with the Bucs unable to stop their progress.  It became quickly apparent that the game was likely to go to the team with the fewest mistakes, as the Bucs also broke free quickly to even the score and go up by two with the Point-After attempt. Throughout  the day, both teams had difficulty consistently stopping each other, as the game featured only one punt by the Bucs, and one turnover-on-downs for the Seahawks.

The second half proceeded much as the first, albeit with a couple of costly turnovers on the part of the Bucs giving the Seahawks an extra possession. With about three and a half minutes left in the game, the Seahawks scored to take a 4 point lead.  However, it was apparent that the last team with the ball had the edge in this high scoring offensive showdown.  Hoping to create a long, sustained drive, a gamble on a blitz by the Seahawks put their best defender completely out of position, and lead to a 70 yard gain by Josh Baczuk just short of the Buc goal line. A play later, the Bucs punched it into the
endzone. Unfortunately, that left almost an entire 3 minutes left for the Seahawks to mount their own game-ending drive. The Bucccaneers held tough, forcing the Seahawks to take most of the clock.  Aided by a couple of very unfortunate and perhaps questionable penalties against the Bucs, the Seahawks scored to put them up by 4 with only 2 seconds remaining in the game and 80 yards to traverse. The game ended with the Seahawks winning the game by a score of 54-50.

This week the Bucs travel to take on the Nikiski Bulldogs in a Saturday contest at 2 p.m.  Most Nikiski games can be found on radiokenai.com, it is assumed this game will be audio broadcast as well.


Cross Country

James Cavanaugh Invite
Salcha Ski Trails
September 17, 2021

Courtesy of VHS Coaches – The Bucs Cross-Country team headed to Salcha Ski Trails Friday morning after a tough week of injuries for the team. One of the hardest things for athletes and team morale is an injury that keeps you from completing. The glowing trees and beautiful drive helped to calm anxieties the team was facing. Senior William Benes spent the week nursing sudden back issues and Freshman Morgan Hamilton was gingerly weighting her bruised feet after an unfortunate accident.

Once the team had walked a portion of the course, which appeared to be fairly gentle on all grass, they settled into their hotel rooms in North Pole and we returned to Salcha Elementary. We were greeted with a changed route that included multiple steep hills. Then the race times kept getting pushed back. Team morale began to wane as the daylight faded. Finally, at 6:45pm the girls took off with seven other teams from the Fairbanks region. Sophomore Anika Palomar completed lap on par with her goal. Lap 2 was much slower and seemed to go on forever. Palomar finished in 27:10. Hamilton was a few minutes behind her, giving in to her bruised feet, she found herself walking up the hills. Hamilton finished in 31:14.

The boys started just minutes after the last girl runner. Benes started at the front of the pack at the beginning of the race. Sophomore Rafe Caruthers stuck with him, eventually passing Benes in a section of uneven ground. Benes caught up to Caruthers and they remained neck in neck creating a dramatic finish at 21:44. A couple minutes behind was Junior Cole Wadsworth finishing a strong race at 23:47. Not far behind was Junior Jason Smilie who also had stayed strong the whole race to finish 23:59. Lastly, Freshman Jace Wadsworth was just seconds away from his PR, if it hadn’t been for an untied shoe he would have beat it. J. Wadsworth finished with an impressive 29:04.

It was difficult to sit in a vehicle all day and then take off running up hill and on uneven ground. This group of athletes showed up and gave it their best. This dedication and drive to do their best, even under adverse circumstances, makes this coach very proud.

Next week is Regions, once again, we are looking forward to the road to State!


Varsity Volleyball

Varsity Volleyball @ Bethel Invite

Courtesy of VHS Coaches – This weekend the varsity volleyball team traveled to Bethel for a round robin tournament. The games were one standard, 3 out of 5 match against each team. The girls had a phenomenal weekend going undefeated!

One Friday, they played Bethel ending 3-0. This was our toughest match but they still kept control throughout each set. On Saturday, they played Hutchison, winning 3-0 again. Following soon after they played their best match of the weekend against ACS, 3-0. Next weekend we travel to Monroe for our first conference games of the season.

All-Tournament Team:
Ambrosia Woodgate
Momoe Togagae

Masen Holmes
