Sharon Scheidt called a Special Meeting of the Valdez City Council last Thursday to propose a Proclamation challenging Valdez residents and visitors to work together the next four weeks to avoid more drastic steps and issuance of local health mandates. The Proclamation was unanimously approved by Council. The Proclamation requests that residents and visitors:
1. Avoid going to work or school when sick or exposed to COVID-19
2. Follow CDC guidelines related to testing, isolation and quarantine
3. Consider implementing workforce policies for business and organization
4. Be respectful of those conducting contact tracing
5. Wear a mask indoors regardless of vaccination status
6. Be respectful of mitigation guidelines established by local businesses and organizations while in their establishments
7. Consider COVID-19 vaccination
8. Consider COVID-19 vaccination even if you have had COVID-19 in the past
9. Carefully consider risk regarding indoor events and social functions
10. Work together so we can keep our community healthy, children in school and businesses open
CLICK HERE to read Proclamation.