
KVAK’s Special Edition Election Coverage

Valdez Municipal Election 2023

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Polls Open: 7 am to 8 pm

Candidates will be elected for the following offices:


  • Two (2) Vacancies to Serve a Three (3) Year Term
  • One (1) Vacancy, to Serve a One (1) Year Term


  • Three (3) Vacancies, to Serve a Three (3) Year Term
  • One (1) Vacancy to Serve a One (1) Year Term


KVAK Radio asked the candidates running for City Council and the Valdez City School Board to tell us about themselves and share their thoughts on a couple questions.
Information from School Board and City Council candidates was provided by the candidates. Information in their responses is entirely their opinion presented exactly as written by the candidate. Candidates listed in no particular order.

 City Council 3 year seats (2 seats)

James “Jimmy” Devens

James “Jimmy” Devens photo

Please describe your relevant experience:

In my time on council, I have served on the Housing Task Force which implemented a housing incentive program, leading to the development of several new housing projects. The city started construction of low-cost senior housing. I serve on the City Permanent Fund Committee, which oversees the city’s permanent investment portfolio, and has seen unprecedented growth most quarters I served. I’m on the Zoning Code work-group, with the intent to streamline Valdez zoning codes, reduce roadblocks, clarify the appeals process, and promote development of businesses and housing. I went to the capitol every time requested of me to advocate for the interests of Valdez with state government.

What are the main challenges for the City of Valdez in the next five years? As a Council Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

Housing is why I first ran for my seat. It was moved to the top administrative priority in my first year on council. At a recent conference for municipal governments from all over the state, Valdez was commended for best addressing this issue, with our new-housing incentive program, public-private partnerships, senior-housing development, and revised and simplified zoning codes.

Valdez has historically had a less diverse economy than even similar Alaskan communities, and I have been working diligently to reverse that trend. Our biggest opportunity at the city government level to benefit our economy is to continue to be at the lead for opportunities, new programs, emerging industries, and growth and consolidation of already thriving sectors. Our biggest hurdles are the high cost of housing, lack of affordable childcare, and non-competitive proposals for grants and development opportunities. I have served and will serve on working groups specifically addressing each of these shortfalls.

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers

Tammy Jo Liddell

Tammy Jo Liddell

Please describe your relevant experience:

I’ve been very blessed to have my amazing husband Tracy Earl apart of my life, 8 beautiful adult children ranging 21 to 31 years of age, 2 beautiful grandchildren and another on the way expected this August… I sincerely love all people, I’ve learned as a retired educator, mother of 31 years, wife, sister, daughter and friend is how to listen to people. I feel I can represent the heartbeat of our community.
I am running for City Council because I feel compelled to use my experience with the residents of Valdez…
Just because Im not a politician doesn’t mean that I don’t understand the daily struggles of every day life…

What are the main challenges for the City of Valdez in the next five years? As a Council Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

Some top issues for Valdez are economic growth, housing, inflation, child care, property taxes and rebuilding community trust in our city council… I am a pro-police, anti-crime candidate and if elected I will do everything possible to help rebuild Valdez back stronger and better…

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers


Austin Love

Austin Love

Please describe your relevant experience:

I have worked nine years for a Valdez non-profit organization run by a board of directors that functions in similar ways as City Council. That work also involves working with various government, non-government, private entities, and citizens to find solutions to complex problems. I am married to a current Council member (who’s term is up and not running for reelection). I have work experience and completed graduate coursework in economics and government policy. I worked for the City of Valdez for two years. I commercially fished for salmon out of Valdez for two years. I own a home in Valdez, I have two children attending Valdez City Schools, and I have been a citizen of Valdez for 12 years.

What are the main challenges for the City of Valdez in the next five years? As a Council Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

The main challenges for the City of Valdez in the next five years are maintaining a sustainable and equitable budget, working on deferred maintenance and projects, improving the housing market, and adequate health and childcare services. To address those challenges I plan to listen to citizens, city staff, subject matter experts, and fellow Council members about their ideas for solving those challenges, read about how to address those problems, and work with fellow Council members to create and support policies that will hopefully foster fair solutions to those issues.

I am well prepared to serve on City Council, but also know that there will be much to learn. I am running for Council to serve our community in a leadership role, keep it an awesome place to live, and work on policies to make it even better.

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers


City Council 1 year seat (1 seat)

Olivia Foster

Olivia Foster photo

Please describe your relevant experience:

I am currently a member of Valdez City Council. I have lived in Valdez for 9 years. I am a registered nurse, serving the community of Valdez at Providence Valdez Medical Center. I specialize in infection prevention and population health. I coordinate the Fish Processors Alliance and the 0-3 w/Families Alliance. I am a board member of the Sound Wellness Alliance Network, serving as secretary, and thread Alaska serving as treasurer. I hold a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in science. I have been awarded Nurse of The Year, The HRSA Spirit Award, and nominated as a Woman of Distinction. I care deeply for the city and community of Valdez and believe that I am the best candidate.

What are the main challenges for the City of Valdez in the next five years? As a Council Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

Child care
Balanced Budget
I plan on addressing these issues through research, collaborating with leading industry experts & the constituents that I serve in the community of Valdez.

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers


Dave A. Tousignant

Dave A. Tousignant photo

Please describe your relevant experience:

I have been a resident of Valdez for the last 45 years. I have been on the Ports and Harbors Commission for two terms in the past. I also serve on the board for Little Sparrow Pregnancy Care Center. I have operated two successful businesses in town, Northern Magic Charters and D&L trucking. Now I am happy to say I’m retired in this great town I call home. I am honored to serve my community in helping
through positive and healthy change with my years of experience and service to Valdez. More importantly I will be focused on listening and relating to the people in our great community. I will endeavor to address their needs in the best possible way as a member of this governing body.

What are the main challenges for the City of Valdez? As a Council Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

I feel that we have some challenges ahead of us considering what the state of the country is looking like right now.  I believe in fiscal responsibility, and I believe our city could improve in that area. I’ve taken time to look at other budgets around the state. For example, the Fairbanks budget is $44 million with a population of thirty-three thousand people. Compared to our 64-million-dollar budget for a population
of four thousand. It’s hard to believe that we have over five hundred city vehicles in our fleet. I understand that some of this is snow removal equipment, Emergency services equipment etc.; but five hundred vehicles is a bit excessive for Valdez. How about taking a closer look at doing some of the work in-house that we hire outside agencies to do. I know childcare is a large issue in this town, this is a priority that needs to be addressed closely.  City land development should be another concern for Council. We have the property we just have to come with a plan to access and develop it.  I’m sure there’s a lot of people that don’t know this city who just gave $50,000 to a radio station in town. (KCHU). I feel these funds could have been used for a greater need in this community.

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers

School Board 3 year seats (3 seats)

Lindsay Wesely

No photo provided.

Please describe your relevant experience:

I served 3 years on the Valdez Cooperative preschool board. I started as a secretary, then Vice President and ended my service as President. I also attended school off and on from 6th grade through 10th grade in Valdez. Now my children are going through the school system. My oldest did a short stint at the high school and my youngest is getting ready to graduate from the elementary school and move up to the middle school. I also own and operate my own bookkeeping business and assist my husband in his 2 restaurants. I believe this experience will aid me in my service on the school board if elected.

What are the main challenges for theValdez City Schools in the next five years? As a Board Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

The main major challenge I see for our schools is lack of staffing. We need to understand why we are having a hard time hiring and retaining the proper staffing. Is there a lack in leadership or communication? The other major issue I see is lack of communication and protocol. As a parent I have experienced some frustration in these departments.

If elected I will use my voice and vote to advocate and promote ideas that will help aid in resolve of these issues.

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers

Bryan Vincent

Bryan Vincent.

Please describe your relevant experience:

I am interested in serving on the Valdez City Schools Board of Education for several reasons. I feel that my experience in public service and appointments on other state and local boards has prepared me for this role on the Valdez School Board. I think that public service is a noble calling and one that should not be taken lightly. I have a unique perspective in having a child in each of the school buildings, which keeps me tuned in to the nuances of programs and curriculum at all levels in the district.

What are the main challenges for the Valdez City Schools in the next five years? As a Board Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

I think there are certainly some challenges facing our district, but these challenges should not be overshadowed by the great things that are happening every day in our schools. I think one of the biggest challenges we are seeing right now is recovering from the social and learning losses resulting from the pandemic. I see this as a multifaceted issue that will take collaboration from all stakeholders within the district and community. I am excited to see the work the board is currently involved in with creating leadership teams composed of students, staff and parents for future curriculum development specifically around reading proficiency. As a board member, I would value the opportunity to be engaged in this process because reading proficiency is a critical skill. Another thing I would like to help promote is the Career and Technical Education programs and the continuing process of building partnerships within the community for workforce development.

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers

Rosalyn Espiritu

Rosalyn Espiritu photo

Please describe your relevant experience:

My relevant experience includes holding two board positions with Hermon Hutchens Elementary PTA. First as the Vice President, and this year as the Treasurer. As the PTA’s Treasurer, the position has allowed me insight on the schematics of budgeting for our PTA events throughout the year. Although I am familiar with budgeting through my current position as an Office Manager for Peter Pan Seafoods, I am grateful to learn the importance of budgeting involving an educational setting. In addition to PTA, I also signed up to become a substitute teacher when there was a huge need throughout the school district.

What are the main challenges for the Valdez City Schools in the next five years? As a Board Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

For the next five years, I think the biggest challenges the Valdez City Schools will face is filling teacher positions throughout the school district. We currently have a lot of turn over, and our retention rate is low. At the end of every school year, we lose a few good teachers which then causes the need to hire more for next year. However, good candidates come and go because we have a serious housing shortage in Valdez. It’s hard to obtain good teaching staffs because they aren’t able to find a place to live within our community.

Another challenge that the Valdez city schools will face is getting back to that sense of normalcy before covid hit. There is an evident disconnect with parents and children with the school system. Kids programs and activities that made a school thrive and a child to be excited to go to school have ceased to exist. Slowly we are moving in the right direction, but it will definitely take some much-needed time to get back to how it used to be.

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers

Carey Wade

Carey Wade.

Please describe your relevant experience:

I have served on the Valdez City School Board for the past 3 years. Those years I have dedicated a great deal of time familiarizing myself with the ins and outs of our district as well as creating relationships with stakeholders.

What are the main challenges for the Valdez City Schools in the next five years? As a Board Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

We must find a way to increase the engagement and accountability of our students and families in our schools. This is without a doubt the most important challenge we face in our schools today. I do not know what the answer is here but I am eager to do the work and find the answers/people to help us turn things around. We can talk about all of the other challenges we face such as curriculum alignment, administration, high school renovations, etc. but none of that matters if we don’t have kids and families who are invested/interested in our schools.

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers

Robert Brock

Robert Brock

Please describe your relevant experience:

As a first time candidate for school board my goal is to put our children first. My experience would solely be from the eyes of a parent for our children. As J.F.K. said in years past “children are the worlds most valuable resource and its best hope for our future.” Our children deserve the best possible education that we can provide for them.

What are the main challenges for the Valdez City Schools in the next five years? As a Board Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

 I believe the challenges we face is to assure we can prepare children for the future through our curriculum selections. As the changing workforce of our state and nation continues we need to assure we are providing programs/classes that reflect this. Curriculum and programs that develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving and a creative mind. Thank you for your consideration.

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers

School Board 1 year seat (1 seat)

Ruth E Knight

Ruth E Knight photo

Please describe your relevant experience:

-Retired Educator/Teacher having 39 years of experience with students in grades preK – adult, along with curriculum, administration, home school, online learning and coaching.
-Served as an officer, negotiator, and board member for local and state teachers’ and public employees’ unions.
-Elected and served both Valdez and Wrangell as a City Council member and served one term as Mayor for Valdez.
-Citizen of Valdez since 1999.
-Worked for Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) developing state standards and grade level expectations.
-Cares for children and works to help make their lives better.

What are the main challenges for the Valdez City Schools in the next five years? As a Board Member, how do you plan to address these challenges?

-Keeping/finding funding that allows our students and teachers to continue to have the best tools and training available to afford the excellent education Valdez is known for throughout the state.
-This challenge can be addressed several ways: Make sure we elect city council members and state legislators who value our children and education. This should be the number one priority for all elected officials. Lobby to keep City funding at or above the current level and to get the State Legislature to make sure education funding is keeping up with inflation. Keep finding and applying for grants in areas of innovation. Look closely at the budget and find places where funds can be better spent in areas that directly effect student learning.
-Keeping consistency in leadership and with classroom teachers and paraprofessionals. Valdez has had more turn over recently. Things that may help: advocating for better pay, retirement, housing, and childcare; and fostering a preK-12 team mentality.

CLICK HERE for Audio – Candidate Answers

Here’s the Audio for all the Candidate’s Responses:



Proposition 1 will ask the voters to consider this question: “Shall the Valdez Municipal Charter be amended to replace gender binary nouns and pronouns (including he, she, his and hers) with gender neutral terms?” 

The intention of this proposed Charter amendment is to modernize the language in the Valdez Municipal Charter to reflect current best practices in legal drafting. This is primarily a technical and grammatical change, but does have the additional intent of promoting a culture of inclusivity in city government. Though non-gendered language has been the standard norm for many years with drafting of new ordinances, much of the older language in the Valdez Municipal Code and the Valdez Municipal Charter uses exclusively male pronouns.

This drafting change will most frequently replace gendered language with appropriate gender-neutral titles. Here is one example:

Section 3.5. The Mayor Pro Tempore. The mayor pro tempore shall succeed to the office of mayor when a vacancy occurs in that office. He The mayor pro tempore shall have and exercise the powers and duties of the mayor when the mayor is absent or unable to perform the duties of his the office. When a doubt exists concerning the ability of the mayor to perform the duties of his the office, the council shall, by resolution, determine whether the mayor pro tempore shall act in the place of the mayor. Such determination shall stand until the council determines that such disability or inability ceases.

The City consists of three election precincts for all regular and special City elections. The boundaries of these precincts are as follows:

Precinct #1: that portion of the City of Valdez which lies west of Hazelet Avenue.
Precinct #2: that portion of the City of Valdez which lies between Hazelet Avenue and a north/south line drawn through the point where Crooked Creek crosses the Richardson Highway (Salmon Turnaround).
Precinct #3: that portion of the City of Valdez which lies east of a north/south line drawn through the point where Crooked Creek crosses the Richardson Highway (Salmon Turnaround).

The polling places for these precincts shall be as follows:
Precinct #1: Teen Center
Precinct #2: City Council Chambers
Precinct #3: Robe River Subdivision Fire Station
