
July 21, 2023

Fireweed rock glacier flows within the Fireweed Mountain massif near McCarthy. Photo by Ned Rozell in 2023.

Glaciers made of rock, ice and bear scat

The grizzly hadn’t seen my dog or me, so I yelled and waved my arms. The bear stood, looked in our direction for three unforgettable seconds, then trotted up the valley.
Blue Footprint


Jesus and Kendra Duran welcomed Hudson Reid Duran to the world on July 19th, 2023.
UAA students and team film Jasmine Maurer, the harmful species lead at KBNERR as she checks her crab traps in the Homer harbor

UAA students fight invasive crab species

On Tuesday, July 19, 2022, on Annette Island in Southeast Alaska, off the coast of Metlakatla, evidence of European Green Crab was discovered. These small creatures have been working their way up the west coast, where they aggressively hunt worms, clams, mussels, juvenile king crabs, and even juvenile salmon.
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