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Varsity Boys Basketball competes at Monroe


Coach’s Journal: Monroe

We often talk about how many of the things we learn from basketball extend beyond what happens on the court: things such as character, leadership, representing us as a team, school, community and even more.

One of the ways that our coaching staff defines leadership is how you inspire those around you. I think that is the great burden of leaders, to inspire those around you to be the best versions of themselves through your words and actions, and pass on what you have learned to those that come after you.

So before I get started about the games this weekend I just wanted to take a moment to recognize one of our seniors.  This week Barrett was named the 2024 High School Student of the Year from the Alaska Society for Technology in Education.  I’ve talked highly of our senior leadership this year in previous coach’s journals and this is just another example of that! So thank you Barrett for setting the bar high for the next generation of hoopers coming through, as well as representing our team, school and community!

On to basketball..

Our journey started off with a bus trip that lasted over 10 hours. Normally the drive to Fairbanks takes maybe 6 or 7 on a slow day, but due to conditions over Thompson Pass, a large oversized piece of pump station equipment being towed, perhaps the longest military convoy i’ve ever witnessed and finally brake malfunctions on the outskirts of Fairbanks, we were slightly delayed to say the least. We did eventually arrive on what was a beautiful and warm spring day.

Now, if you’re unfamiliar with the Monroe Rams: they’re good. Even when they’re “bad” they’re good. The coaching staff, lead by Coach Ostanik, always does a phenomenal job with these guys and the preparation they go to to be successful.  They are always fundamentally sound, disciplined on defense and both patient and precise on offense.

As long as I can remember we have always had good battles against Monroe, and both teams have gone through phases where we sorta took turns beating each other for a short span of time, so it’s been a very even matchup.  I don’t know if I would necessarily label it a true rivalry, but if it’s not one, then we’re as close as we can get. It’s always a challenge we look forward to.

So despite the traveling troubles we triumphed over, the guys were locked in and ready to go.  The jump went up, and we secured it. Monroe has historically played tough man-to-man defense, as well as some matchup-zone sets, and this weekend was no different.

Running some dribble-drive actions in a four-out motion set, we scored the first basket of the game on a beautiful drive by Tino who hit a floater through the lane.

Immediate timeout by Monroe.

Out of the timeout we set up in our half court trap defense and played them tight for what seemed like an eternity of a possession (remember Monroe has that offensive discipline to wait for the perfect shot) and luckily for us it was a miss and a rebound and we were off to the races.

We jumped out to an early 7 point lead to start the game.

Another Monroe timeout.

I’ve mentioned throughout the weeks at times some of the qualities that can define a great team, one of those being poise – and Monroe really embraces that defining factor. Maybe you have heard the quote “basketball is a game of runs” and it is very much true. The difference a lot of times comes down to this: who has the mental toughness to show poise in times of peril and readjust, stop the leak and go on a run of their own.

After that second timeout Monroe went on a run of their own and took a 4 point lead after the first quarter.

The rest of the half was a battle. We went on a run, then Monroe would answer, then we would answer back and so on. Eventually at the half we were down by 9 points.

There were a few possessions here and there where we looked very good, but the majority of the half Monroe seemed to be in complete control. We had some poor shot selection, impatience on offense in general as well as some not-so-great turnovers, (not to mention that 10 hour bus right we had essentially just gotten off of), and yet we found ourselves down only 9 against a great team.

One stop and a small little run and we are right in this against a great 4a team.

We walked into our halftime talk and the body language in that room was screaming. Not in a good way. You would have thought that we were losing by 40 points to the worst team that’s ever touched a basketball.

We had a bit of a talk.

We were not showing the poise that great teams show, that belief that we can do anything no matter what challenge is ahead of us. There have been glimpses of it this year in a few games but it was not there tonight.

After halftime we did manage to go on another little run or two throughout the half but Monroe always had an answer for it.  Eventually as the final buzzer sounded we ended up with a 39-56 loss.

In games like that, towards the end, when the game seems out of reach, there is still a lot that can happen. First of all, a quote that I made up and a mindset our coaching staff tries to encourage: Anything can happen when there’s still time.  Teams come back from 10, 20, even 30 point deficits all the time. History is full of great comeback stories.

The second thought is that, even if the game IS out of reach, we can still learn and build on something to carry over into tomorrow.

Every second we are in the gym, practicing, playing in a game, watching film, watching other games in person or on tv we are learning. In the last 4 minutes of this Monroe game, down 15 or so, what can we get to work for us for our next matchup? What can we do to strike a little fear into our opponent for tomorrow? Every single day is a new day to get better, and that really is our ultimate job as coaches and players – get better every single day.

Coming into day 2, everyone was in good spirits. We had a good chat about the game plan, mostly on our mentality and poise going into this matchup.  With some new adjustments we were locked in and ready to play on what was Monroe’s senior night.

The first half of the game was a treat to watch. Both teams were executing at a high level on both ends of the floor. We started the game on a run, Monroe would answer, then us, then Monroe, back and forth as the game went on. I want to say there were at least 10 or 15 ties or lead changes in the first half.

Going in to halftime the score was tied 25-25. The way we saw it, Monroe had played the best half they were capable of, while we still had room for improvement and yet we were still tied.  It seemed like at any moment in the second half we would be able to take off and hopefully seal the win.

Unfortunately that isn’t exactly what happened. In the 3rd quarter Monroe exploded from beyond the arc and just nailed 3pt shot after 3pt shot.  Our defense was actually spot on the entire time too. We were doing great closeouts, contesting every single shot with hands up in their face and yet they still made all of these tough shots. It was crazy. Great offense beats great defense. Sometimes you can do everything right and still lose. Another one of those tough lessons about life that we learn through basketball.

After that 3pt barrage, Monroe was able to hold on to the lead through the 4th quarter and seal the win 57-43.  Our guys fought hard and really played probably the best game we have had all season.

One of my favorite lessons from coach John Wooden goes like this: “Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”

Although we lost this game, I believe this was the most successful game we have had all season. From our killer mentality, to our defense, to the execution as well as our bench mob keeping the team engaged for all 32 minutes, we really were playing great. We will carry the momentum from this into our final games of the regular season – next week at home vs Delta.

Along with being our final home games of the season, Saturday is also senior night! A chance for us to recognize our seniors Grayson, Owen, Nick and Barrett, as well as the seniors from the other VHS winter sports and activities. After that: regionals at Delta and finally the state tournament! Go Bucs!