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The School Board approved a 2024-2025 schedule last Monday that included a 4-day school week. With an absence of written documentation of the proposed schedule, the School Board spent considerable time trying to calculate the number of hours that would be lost by moving from a 5 day week to a 4 day week. The majority of impromptu calculations were for approximately 100 less instructional hours with a 4-day schedule, but VHS math teacher Rachel Hamilton encouraged the board to consider that Friday is basically a day of lost instruction now due to so many students being absent for activities. Isaac Deaton, who teaches shop and is the wrestling coach, said that unless the District has qualified shop teachers, his students are not able to participate in hands-on instruction when he is out of town and has to get a substitute for Friday. Incoming VHS Principal Peter Baksis and incoming GMS Principal Amanda Tippetts participated in the meeting via zoom and both spoke about positive benefits of a four day school week. Hamilton, Deaton Valdez City Schools Superintendent Tim Bauer and others provided ideas of how teachers can deliver extra help and offer other educational opportunities on Fridays.
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