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School Budget 2024-2025

Person working with a Calculator

A reduction in revenues from the state foundation formula and federal grants, coupled with increases in  salaries and benefits, including health insurance, Student Activities, the cost of supplies and equipment in the classroom, Food Service, Technology Dept and Maintenance and Operations are driving a shortfall of almost $1.25 million in the Valdez City School District Budget according to a report from Director of Business Services, Amber Cawley. Cawley’s report further said there have been changes to where staff are assigned for the 2024-2025 budget but no change in the proposed 51.49 FTE (Full Time Equivalent) positions.

Cawley’s report recapped the recommended budget changes, outlined  below:

Administration recommended reducing 3 FTE from the current school year. One of those was a natural change in the HHES with a smaller class entering, and a larger class moving to the GMS. The second was changing foreign language from an in-class teacher to a blend of a current staff/online option. The Board requested that stay in the schedule and a teacher has been hired for that position for the FY25 school year. The third recommendation was changing how woodshop was taught, and make that position able to offer more than only wood shop classes. A reduction of 1.4 intensive paraprofessionals was included in the proposed FY25 budget. In the shift in teaching assignments, a certified special ed teacher also moved into the classroom. Those reductions in the special ed department are being attained by an efficiency in scheduling of both staff and students. If unforeseen changes arise, the department will adjust as necessary to fulfill students’ IEP services.

Many reductions were made by the admin team prior to the proposal being given to the Board. Every department was held accountable to the same goal of offering the most, with the least. Along with small, not as noticeable reductions, funding for professional development was reduced and options for offering it differently are being worked on, funding for curriculum was reduced and will come back before the board if necessary, funding for equipment was mostly eliminated from the budget, and if needs arise, those will come before the board as requests from reserve.

See complete budget HERE