
Music Students perform at State Solo and Ensemble

VHS Music students perform at State Solo and Ensemble, May 2024

VHS Music students perform at State Solo and Ensemble, May 2024

Submitted by Ann Norris, VHS Music Director

The Valdez High School Band, Choir, and Jazz Band traveled to UAA over the weekend to participate in ASAA’s State Solo and Ensemble competition.  

Students who qualified to perform by earning a superior rating on their solos or ensembles at the regional event in Healy in April were eligible to travel and perform again.  The following is the list of qualified performances and their outcome.  Each student sang or played for a pair of judges who offered critique and scored the performance again on a more stringent scale.  

Schedule for VHS Music students performing at State Solo and Ensemble, May 2024

All students had performances to be proud of and some were their best to date.  Several students filled in for others for a variety of reasons and including to stay within the parameters of ASAA rules.  Moe moved the judges to tears with her convincing and passionate vocal solo from the musical, Mulan, and secured the top rating of the group for the weekend.  

VHS Music students perform at State Solo and Ensemble, May 2024

Participating students were Ezekiel James, James Humphrey, Erik Vincent, Oliver Ownbey, Oden Halley, Kassidy Ferguson, Ava Mitchell, Jezelle Eskilida, Momooe Togaga’e, Joshua Sims, James Hall, Braiden Williams, Clara Juleen, Robert Taylor.  They represented Valdez well and came away with new inspirations and goals for next year.
