
Historic Early Voting Turnout Shows Alaskans’ Commitment to Democracy

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As early voting for the upcoming election continues, Alaska is seeing a historic level of voter participation.

Early Voting: Every Division of Elections regional office is an Early Voting site and has ballots for all 40 House Districts. The limited number of sites is due to the need for direct access to the voter registration system. At an Early Voting location, your eligibility is determined at the time you vote by verifying that your voter registration record is current. If everything is correct, you will vote your ballot and insert it into the scanner. If your information is not current, you will need to vote using the absentee-in-person method.

Absentee-in-person voting: With this method, you complete an envelope with your voted ballot and drop the envelope in a ballot box. These ballots are not scanned at the voting location and are instead reviewed by the Absentee Review Board to make sure you are eligible and that you have not already voted.

Absentee-by-mail, by online delivery, and by Fax: With these methods, you request an absentee ballot to be mailed to you. You can then fill out your ballot and mail it back to the division or drop it at a regional office at your convenience – as long as you have it postmarked or delivered to the division on or before election day.

Please note that the deadline to apply for a by-mail absentee ballot is Saturday, October 26th.

You can apply online at absenteeballotapplication.alaska.gov.

More information on absentee voting is available at elections.alaska.gov/voter-information/absentee-and-early-voting/.
