
Varsity Boys Basketball Vs. Cordova

Nick Alfaro - VHS Basketball, Photo by Joe Prax.

Nick Alfaro - VHS Basketball, Photo by Joe Prax.
Nick Alfaro – VHS Basketball, Photo by Joe Prax

Submitted by VHS Boys Varsity Basketball Coach

This weekend the Varsity Buccaneers opened their 2023-2024 season with a pair of home games against the Cordova Wolverines, extending one of the oldest rivalries in Alaska basketball.

This history of this intense rivalry was on full display from the jump Friday night.  A hard fought, physical first quarter with both teams showing strong defensive efforts lead to a few of the Bucs starters getting into some early foul trouble and both teams ending with a 7-7 tie.

The second quarter was just as physical as the first defensively, however both teams traded blows offensively and at halftime Cordova lead 18-17

The Buccaneers made some defensive adjustments at halftime and came out to start the 3rd quarter with great focus and intensity, both of which paid off.  Valdez’s focus on limiting paint touches and patience on offense played a crucial role in turning the tide in their favor, where they pulled ahead 28-26.

In the final period, both offenses really picked up.  Both Cordova and Valdez had their highest scoring quarters of the game with 13 and 19 respectively.  The resilience, adaptability and effective teamwork helped Valdez hold on to secure the win in this thrilling season opener.  Tino Tucker led the way for the Bucs with 21 points.

Saturday afternoon Valdez came out of the gates with the focus and determination of Friday’s hard fought victory.  With an emphasis on the defensive adjustments made the day before, and some great offensive efficiency, the Bucs pulled away to lead 17-10 after the first quarter and from there never looked back.  The Bucs were patient and focused on attacking the basket on offense, but it was the defensive effort that really helped them extend the lead.  Valdez managed to contain Cordova to their lowest scoring quarter of the weekend with only 2 points allowed, while scoring another 14 of their own.

In the second half, Valdez continued their defensive pressure and efficient scoring and were able to hold onto their lead the rest of the way, eventually winning with a score of 42-32.  Everyone was able to get some valuable playing time and experience and Valdez came out of the weekend with a 2-0 record to start the season.  The Varsity Bucs’ next games will be January 4th-6th where they will be traveling to Nome to participate in the Nome Subway Classic tournament.
