
2023 Drug Overdose Mortality Report Released


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In 2023, the State of Alaska Department of Health reported 357 Alaskans died to fatal drug overdoses, 265 of which involved opioids. Overdose death rates were highest among men, American Indian/Alaska Native people, people aged 35-44, and people located in the Anchorage region. CLICK HERE for 2023 Drug Overdose Mortality Update released Sept 2024.

“Opioids continue to devastate Alaska’s residents, accounting for nearly 75% of all drug overdoses,” said Lindsey Kato, Director of Public Health. The State of Alaska is distributing Naloxone kits and educational materials to schools and incarcerated settings around the state. Additionally, the Department has launched an extensive awareness campaign, with the primary message of, “Save a life. Carry naloxone.” The State of Alaska said their goal is for every Alaskan to learn the signs of an overdose, carry naloxone, and be trained on how to respond.

CLICK HERE for information on Opioid Prevention, Recovery & Naloxone.
