
Joe Prax awarded Dolores Gard “Outstanding School Volunteer Award”

Delores Gard at a School Board Meeting
The inaugural Dolores Gard “Outstanding School Volunteer Award” was given to Joe Prax Friday night at the VHS gym. School Board member Kathy Todd said the award was created as a tribute to someone who made an indelible mark on our schools, our community, and, most, importantly, our children. Prax has served as a Boy Scout leader, Little League Coach, City Council Member, School Board member and has taken countless photos of kids sports and activities.
Delores Gard at a School Board Meeting
Here is a tribute to Gard as presented by Todd:

Delores is remembered for her years as a school employee, briefly in the library, then for more than 20 years as the person that greeted visitors and families and directed students in the Hermon Hutchens office. She probably taught many of you here to eat lunch efficiently and with a modicum of manners. She loved recess duty and taught many a new teacher how to help the kids thrive out there. Because that’s what it was all about – anything for the kids. Yes, she and Chuck were there to coach Little League for their sons, but Delores also ran the baseball and basketball leagues for many years. They took pictures for Little League and Little Dribblers. When Delores thought prom pictures should be available at an affordable price, Chuck took them while Delores organized them. For although she loved tutoring reading and interacting with individual kids, she knew that a lot had to happen behind the scenes to make things work.

She went to school board meetings for 20 years before she retired from employment (not from the schools!) and was elected to the board, where she paid attention to details that were important to the inner workings of the district – that made things work for kids.

She and Chuck sat over there and in every gym in this town at every level of competition for more than 40 years, doing book and clock so that the kids could play.

So it is fitting that tonight, at a basketball game, we are proud to establish the Delores Gard Award, a lasting legacy that reflects her dedication, hard work, and love for our students. Each year, this award will honor an individual who embodies the same spirit of service, advocacy, and care for the children of Valdez that Delores did.

We also want to take a moment to recognize Dolores’ husband, Chuck Gard, who supported her in all her endeavors, and who continues to honor her memory every day.

And now it is my pleasure to welcome School Board president Kalin King to announce the winner of this first annual Dolores Gard Award.

Thank you, Delores, for all you did for our children. We will forever finish our lunch and carefully carry our trays to the kitchen window, and carry your spirit with us always.

Delores Gard in the Valdez Fish Derby
