March 20, 2020
Dear VCS Parents, Staff and Community,
Tonight at 6:00 p.m., Governor Mike Dunleavy announced that all public schools would remain closed to students through May 1, 2020. The Governor is suspending the regulatory requirement that school districts apply to DEED to receive a school calendar waiver.
Valdez City Schools will continue to provide continuity of instruction developed this past week as public health officials agree that limiting close contact is the best way to restrict community spread. I will continue to communicate directly to our community as our district follows suit, as our staff is monitoring this ever-evolving scenario closely.
Valdez City Schools employees performing essential functions will be limited to a skeletal crew going forward. We will continue to support district operations and our schools through telecommuting. Per the federal USDA waiver, school meals continued to be provided to all Valdez City Schools students. We will continue to offer distance learning and continue to pay employees through the end of the year.
We recognize that these swift changes are stressful for everyone. However, these steps taken follow expert recommendations, as well as state and local guidelines. We thank you for your patience and cooperation with these highly important actions to further mitigate the spread of COVID-19. I am grateful that our entire Valdez City Schools team has done an excellent job throughout this unprecedented transition. Know that, above all, we are committed to keeping you safe. Your safety is our number one priority. Take care of yourself and each other.
Shawn Arnold
Superintendent of Schools
Valdez City School
Enclosure: COVID-19 Superintendent Letter March 20