- Posted November 11, 2024
KVAK's Laurie Prax interivews Kelsey Prax about winning MVP at the volleyball Aurora Conference.
KVAK's Laurie Prax interivews Kelsey Prax about winning MVP at the volleyball Aurora Conference.
KVAK's Laurie Prax interviews buccaneer volleyball player, Kelsey Prax about her experience at regionals.
KVAK's Hunter Hoppe gives a report of the Buccaneer Varsity Volleyball's "Senior Night", with lone senior Kelsey Prax along with a summary of the games.
KVAK's Laurie Prax reports on the final games of the Valdez Buccaneer JV Volleyball season, giving credit to top players and summary of the final game.
KVAK's Hunter Hoppe reports on the Valdez Wrestling squad that travelled to the annual MCCA tournament and placed 4th overall out of 54 teams, This is the highest finish as a team since 2012.
KVAK's Laurie Prax with a wrap up on VHS Swimmers following their Regional Meet in Valdez
Haden Bricker, Valdez Senior Center Activities Coordinator, talks about the importance of mental and physical activities within the community, and upcoming events at the Senior Center that are open to all.
Domski's Dom Lumba speaks with KVAK's Heidi Franke about the upcoming SWAN (Sound Wellness Alliance Network) Wellness Symposium on Saturday, September 28th, as well as the mental and physical value of getting outside, and the PWSC Ski for Free Program.
KVAK's Laurie Prax talked with Tom Hsieh, CEO of New Pacific Airlines dba Ravn Alaska, about their proposal to provide Essential Air Service to Valdez. Public comment on the proposals will close September 23rd at midnight. CLICK HERE to access proposals and public comment