- Posted March 31, 2021
KVAK's Laurie Prax interviewed Dr. Kathleen Todd regarding COVID. Topics covered include: rise in cases in Valdez; type of cases and symptoms; vaccine and case counts.
KVAK's Laurie Prax interviewed Dr. Kathleen Todd regarding COVID. Topics covered include: rise in cases in Valdez; type of cases and symptoms; vaccine and case counts.
KVAK Radio's Laurie Prax interviewed Dr. Kathleen Todd about the Coronavirus. Topics covered include: Mask mandate in Valdez; case counts in the state and vaccinations.
KVAK's Laurie Prax interviewed Dr. Kathy Todd of Valdez Medical Clinic and Providence Valdez Medical Center. Topics covered include COVID in Valdez and Alaska; treatments; herd immunity; emergency orders and testing.
KVAK's Laurie Prax interviewed Dr. Kathleen Todd of Valdez Medical Clinic and a Doctor at Providence Valdez Medical Center. Topics covered include: current status of COVID in Valdez; testing; vaccines and schools.
KVAK's Laurie Prax interviewed Kathy Todd M.D. in an ongoing series about Coronavirus in Valdez. Topics covered include: Vaccines and vaccine distribution in Valdez and Alaska; research and development and new strains and their effectiveness.
KVAK's Laurie Prax interviewed Dave Stieren, Communications Director for Governor Dunleavy. Topics covered include: Impact of President Biden's moratorium on oil and gas drilling permits, and the Governor's role and plan for working with new Administration and Alaska Legislature regarding oil industry.
KVAK's Laurie Prax interview Dr. Kathleen Todd of Valdez Medical Clinic. Topics covered include: Vaccination in Valdez; Navigating the vaccination website; status of healthcare in Valdez; and COVID testing in Schools.
KVAK's Laurie Prax talked with Dr. Kathleen Todd M.D. regarding vaccine distribution; plans for 2nd shot; plans for the next round of vaccine distribution and who will be involved with organizing.
KVAK's Laurie Prax interviewed Dr. Kathleen Todd. Topics covered include: Vaccine distribution in Valdez and Kathy's experience getting the vaccine; Statewide vaccine guidelines and general information about COVID-19.
KVAK's Laurie Prax interviewed Dr. Kathleen Todd. Topics covered include: what happens when you test positive for COVID; the availability of oxygen in Valdez; and Statewide medical situation.